Meet the Team – Jasmine Wastnidge


Hi all,

I recently joined the Web-Translations team as a Project Coordinator, after studying a Masters in Translation Studies at the University of Sheffield. Prior to this, I graduated with a First in Hispanic Studies (also at the University of Sheffield), where I studied both Portuguese and Spanish. During my MA, I was instructed in the use of CAT tools and studied a module on Localisation. This piqued my interest in the field and led to my subsequent focus on the translation of Social Media and Crowdsourced Translation for my dissertation.

Being from the ‘Steel City’ of Sheffield, outside work I like to make the most of all that Yorkshire has to offer, particularly at the local theatres and music venues. In 2012, I was lucky enough to play a part in Olympics volunteering, working alongside Sheffield City Council to support a group of Brazilian Judo and Boxing athletes training in the city during the Games. This was a truly special experience, not only giving me the opportunity to use my Portuguese skills, but also to meet a lot of talented people and watch 7 of the athletes that I was assisting go on to win medals!

I lived in the Northern region of Asturias in Spain for two years, initially as a sandwich year for my degree, then again upon finishing my Masters. During my stay I worked as a British Council English Language Assistant and taught English to classes of Spanish secondary school students. My time living abroad gave me an invaluable insight into the local culture, boosted my language skills, and also gave me a few memorable moments, like performing as part of the school theatre group! Oviedo has now become a well-loved second home to me and I like to go back for a visit as often as possible, despite the need for a strong umbrella (anyone who’s been there will know what I’m talking about!).

Before joining Web-Translations, I also worked in Higher Education student support and as an academic proofreader, which allowed me to broaden my skills and experience. I am thrilled to now have the opportunity to work in the languages industry as part of the team in Leeds, and look forward to all that it has to offer.