Cómo pueden impulsar su negocio los blogs

Un blog debería ser el motor de toda su estrategia de marketing online. Es un modo eficaz de mantener el contacto con sus clientes y clientes potenciales que mejora la SERP (Página de resultados que muestra el buscador) del sitio web y sirve para informar sobre nuevos productos y servicios.


In an information-packed marketplace, customers want to buy from somebody that knows what they’re doing. If you’re a passionate business owner, you probably go to great lengths to understand the industry and its people. It’s time to make the most of your expertise by creating content which proves your experience and starts a conversation with potential buyers.

Blogs are no longer the domain of opinionated, politically-minded individuals. In 2014, a blog is a professional platform from which you can speak openly and creatively. It allows you to share new ideas, start interesting debates, and turn your website into a knowledge hub for your industry.


  • give a website 97% more indexed links, and 367% more indexed pages
  • with 15 or more posts per month deliver 5x more traffic than a website with no blog.
  • are 63% more likely to influence buyers than magazines.

82% of marketers who blog daily acquired a customer using their blog, as opposed to 57% of marketers who blog monthly

At Web-Translations, we believe that a blog should form the engine of your whole online promotion strategy. It’s not about looking friendly (though that certainly helps); a blog is an efficient way of keeping in touch with your clients and prospects, improving your website’s SERPs, communicating about new products and services, and much more.

Contact us to find out how we can help you to create an effective international marketing strategy.