Blogs and Promotion Strategy

Blogs are an efficient way of keeping in touch with your clients and prospects, they improve your website’s SERPs and they allow you to communicate about new products and services.

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In an information-packed marketplace, customers want to buy from somebody that knows what they’re doing. If you’re a passionate business owner, you probably go to great lengths to understand the industry and its people. It’s time to make the most of your expertise by creating content which proves your experience and starts a conversation with potential buyers.

Blogs are no longer the domain of opinionated, politically-minded individuals. Blogs are professional platforms from which you can speak openly and creatively. They allow you to share new ideas, start interesting debates, and turn your website into a knowledge hub for your industry.

A Fact File on Blogs:

In fact, did you know that blog posts give a website 97% more indexed links, and 434% more indexed pages. Furthermore, with 15 or more posts per month, you can deliver five times more traffic than a website with no blog. Equally, it is thought that blog posts are 63% more likely to influence buyers than magazines.

Blog Content:

We’ve established that blog posts are important, but how do you know what to write about? We’ll admit that sometimes it can be a little tricky to think of new and unique content – after all, some days we’re just less inspired than others. It’s a good idea therefore to have a few rainy day blog posts in your back pocket. In other words, blog titles that you’ve got ready to go that can be written up quickly. Below, we’ve put together a few pointers that may give you some inspiration!

‘How To’: Is there a service that you offer that people might be interested in? If there is, why not write a tutorial or a how-to-guide about it! These blogs are a great way to engage your audience and they’re also super easy to work on as you’re already familiar with the topic.

Industry News: Why not have a little read and see what topics are trending most in your industry? Perhaps you have a different opinion to offer on the matter or a solution.

Case Studies: We’re sure you have lots of successful stories about past projects that people will be interested in hearing! They’re a great way to sell your services but in a less direct manner than a product page.

Behind the Scenes: We’re all a bit nosy! It’s a good idea to capitalise on this therefore! Perhaps you could write an article exploring the day in the life of one of your team members. Or perhaps a ‘Get to Know You’ blog would work well for any new team members.

Event Summaries: Have you been to any interesting events recently? Why not offer your opinion on them? Share what you learnt or perhaps just share some pictures. We all love a good picture!

Contact us to find out how we can help you to create an effective international marketing strategy. And of course, be sure to check out our blog posts. From literary recommendations from all over the world to our top tips to keep your website fresh, we have something for everyone!