Here’s a link that we were sent earlier this week that we thought we’d share: 84 Fun, Useful and Ridiculous Online Dictionaries –
One of my favourites is the “The Omnificent English Dictionary In Limerick Form“, which gives definitions of English words as limericks. Here’s Peter Sheil’s definition of automatic translation:
The translation I got from my test
Was “Invisible idiot”. Guessed
The source you might find?
“Out of sight, out of mind”!
Automation leaves meaning compressed.
Was “Invisible idiot”. Guessed
The source you might find?
“Out of sight, out of mind”!
Automation leaves meaning compressed.
Couldn’t have put it better myself.
More serious and useful is the Webopedia – great for finding out about any internet or IT development or fads that may have passed you by, or given you a slight headache. I can see myself using this one A LOT.
It’s well worth checking out the Rap Dictionary to increase your street vocabulary, or The CMU Pronouncing Dictionary if you’re trying to prove a point (as I always am with the “scone” debate = should it be said “sconn”, or “scowwn”), but watch out: it will tell you that tomato should be pronounced “Tah-Mey-tow” – as it’s a North American english pronunciation guide.
Also fun for a nostalgia trip, or if you’re feeling distinctly out of touch with the younger generation, is the Online Dictionary of Playground Slang.
All in all, this list is a great resource, there are plenty of useful, informative dictionaries, and also the fun and interesting ones to divert you. Enjoy, and Happy Friday 🙂
Many thanks to Suzane Smith for bringing this to our attention.
24 July 2009 14:06