It’s been a year since Lauren and Charlotte joined the Web-Translations team! We can’t believe the time has flown so quickly and we thought such an anniversary would be the perfect opportunity to get to know these two team members a bit better.

So, sit back, relax and we hope you enjoying learning a little more about our wonderful team members!
What made you decide to pursue a career in languages?
C: It was never my intention, but I fell in love with learning Spanish at school and then I couldn’t resist taking it further. Once at university, I realised that not only did I love the language, but I also loved the culture and the history. Then, after living in Galicia for a year, I just ended up loving it even more. Everyone says you should do what you love and so here I am.
L: I always loved learning French at school, so studying it at university seemed like a natural progression. Then at university, I decided to pick up German too and combine these languages with learning about translation and interpreting. During my studies, I have lived in various Swiss and German cities, which has allowed me to fall in love with the countries and their cultures. This is when I knew that my career had to be language related.
What’s your favourite thing about being able to speak another language?

C: I love being able to listen to a whole new genre of music, read an entire new series of books and watch a plethora of films that I would never have been able to watch had I not been able to speak Spanish. I’m aware that subtitling and dubbing exist, but there’s something about watching a film in its native language which makes it so much more enoyable.
L: I really enjoy travelling and exploring new places. By knowing the local language, this skill opens many doors. It allows me to get to know the locals better and discover more about the local culture. I have also recently been away to a Spanish-speaking country, and I heard a German family having difficulty communicating a problem with reception, as they couldn’t speak Spanish and the receptionist couldn’t speak German. But I was able to interpret the German into English for the receptionist so that the issue was resolved. It’s very rewarding!
What’s one language which you’ve always wanted to learn?
C: I’d love to learn Galician one day. I’ve got a good grasp of Castilian Spanish and I’ve started learning Portuguese, so hopefully once I’ve conquered these two, I’ll be able to use my knowledge of both to help me learn Gallego. Currently, all I can say is ‘Bo nadal’ which means Merry Christmas!
L: I can currently speak French and German and have studied Mandarin for a short while and I wish I could learn every language. But I would love to continue learning Mandarin, and also pick up a Nordic language, such as Swedish maybe.
What’s your favourite thing about working at Web-Translations?
C: Every day is different, and we get to work with so many wonderful clients and linguists who are so incredibly talented. It’s a pleasure to be part of such a kind-hearted and supportive team!
L: I love being able to get to know our lovely clients and help them achieve their translation needs. It’s really rewarding to see their multilingual website go live for example.
Wild Card: If you could travel anywhere in the world right this second without any strings attached, where would you go?
C: Colombia … or Mexico… or anywhere in Latin American to be honest! With the music, the food and the views, it all seems magical to me.

L: As I mentioned earlier, I love to travel, so I would be happy to go anywhere! But I would probably choose somewhere in Asia, as I love the languages and cultures. I also love elephants though, so would like to visit an elephant sanctuary in Africa too maybe.
We hope you’ve enjoyed learning a little more about two of our team members! To stay up to date with all of the latest at Web-Translations, make sure to follow us on social media.
23 August 2022 12:13