After my last post about cleaning the uncleanable, I thought that crying over broken ttx files was a thing of the past. Well, it wasn’t, unfortunately. This week I had another file that would not clean up, no matter how many tricks I tried. This problem was (somewhat) solved by: 1) obtaining the TM used by the proofreader 2) running the source file through Trados Workbench’s “Translate” function to create a new bilingual ttx file based on the translations present in the proofreader’s TM 3) cleaning up the ttx file as normal.
The problem may have been caused by the large number of broken tags, but attempts at repairing these and then cleaning the ttx file as normal just did not work. So, after I was able to create a new bilingual ttx file and clean that, the resulting file was still a mishmash of Swedish with English where the tags were broken. Some copy/paste magic was needed to get the file into its final state, but at least it didn’t take too long 🙂
30 January 2009 16:21