So, I’ve decided to start a new series of posts, and I do so for two reasons. One: in an attempt to supply you with some humour/work-evading ammo’, and two: to distract me from more menial tasks such as editing metadata for an incalculable number of our own web pages.
Humour or no humour, being really optimistic would be to believe that, one day, one of the facts penned here may win you a pub quiz tie-breaker or something. Anyway, let us begin…
There are 2286 languages in the world which have neither a translated version of the Bible, nor a project in place to begin translation. This represents 196M people.
2403 languages have, if not all, at least some part of the Bible. Of these, 426 have a usable Bible; 1,115 have a decent New Testament, and 862 have at least one book of the Bible.
If you want to read more, or get involved in translating the Bible, point your browser at
That was more than one fact, I did notice, but as this is the first post in this series, think of it as a gift.
9 October 2008 17:01