ICON plc


Localisation of patient questionnaires with emphasis on QA to ensure 100% accuracy and understanding.

Icon plc specialises in patient reported outcomes, health economics, epidemiology and health programme evaluation, preparing surveys for medical trials for major pharmaceutical clients. We began working with ICON when it acquired the international consultancy Oxford Outcomes, who had been our client since 2004.

Web-Translations regularly localises each survey, taking care to guarantee each question is as accurate in the translated language as in the original English version through a range of QA procedures including two forward translations and reconciliation of these, back translations and review, interviews with members of the target audience to ensure total understanding of the intended meaning, liaison with the questionnaire developers, and two proofreadings and reviews.


Different languages


Projects completed since 2004

The Challenge?

  • Source translators, proofreaders  and investigators specialised in medical translation
  • Source translators for rare languages
  • Recruit specialists with medical translation experience and excellent references in each country who also have access to patients willing to take part in the research
  • Create translations which reflect the variations within languages in Europe, Asia and the Americas

The Solution?

  • Pre-project research to identify qualified translators and proofreaders in specific countries with availability over long periods of time
  • Coordination of a number of ongoing linguistic validation projects, managed by a dedicated Project Manager
  • Relationship building with translators around the world to extend Web-Translations’ network of contacts and develop a high quality linguistic validation service

The Results.

  • Translation, proofreading and reviews of medical documents often with 24 hour turnaround
  • Continued collaboration with Oxford Outcomes, and later ICON plc, on translation, proofreading and investigator sourcing projects for languages such as Russian, Turkish and Spanish
  • Massive growth at Oxford Outcomes with expansion from one office in Oxford to three in major cities of Canada and the USA.

Looking to expand your
business across borders?

With over 20 years' experience providing translation and digital services, we have a proven track record of achieving excellent results for our clients

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